
This Blighted Isle: Darkened Hill & Dale

Created by Sarah

Darkened Hill & Dale contains seven horror scenarios for tabletop roleplaying games, set in the modern British countryside. Tonally, they're a mix of cosmic and folk horror, with unique situations and threats to negotiate. The settings encompass market towns, garden centres, sleepy villages, moorlands, and beyond. These scenarios are intended to run in 1–3 sessions and be useable with a variety of systems, so each scenario includes notes for player characters who are occult-aware and those who are not. The scenarios are accompanied by a separate collection of hand-out ephemera, with 2–3 items per scenario including maps, news articles, folklore book 'photocopies', etc. Visit for more information!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

April: progress update, revised page count, and new cover art!
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 07:09:46 AM

Hi Folks,

This month's update includes a summary of progress, a visual treat, and a couple of questions... 

Progress first. I've primarily been revising the scenarios this month. The challenge of making these scenarios genuinely work well with different systems is generating interesting results; I'm aspiring to have every scenario work for investigators who are oblivious to 'unnatural threats' and for those who have seen this kind of weirdness before. In some cases this doesn't have a massive impact on the scenario. However, in one case I've written a scenario for oblivious player characters which also contains notes for players investigating the disappearance of those oblivious characters. If this seems confusing, don't worry—it makes more sense on the page! I'm happy with how it's going, and looking forward to playtesting some of these revisions in the coming weeks.

Four photos of rural locations. Left to right: a garden centre featuring a large stag statue, a long narrow bridge across a muddy river, a sun-dappled graveyard, and a very large undulating rock formation.

I've also been out taking photos as references for illustrations, and done some work on the layout of the book, which has resulted in two things:

  1. I'm now planning to create a web resource which will feature a collection of photo references to help you visualise some of the settings. Many of the locations in the scenarios are inspired by real places, and I have pictures of those places, so I thought it'd be nice to share those with you. 
  2. In the campaign, I stated that Darkened Hill & Dale would be "in the region of 40 A5 pages". This was definitely incorrect (and I think I knew that at the time of writing, so I'm not sure what I was thinking there). Factoring in the artwork, notes, and scenarios, the page count is actually going to be in the region of 80 A5 pages! This increase does mean that the softcover version will now have to be perfect-bound because it'll simply be too thick for staple-binding. I hope this change doesn't bother anyone too much.
    1. I should mention that this does not include the ephemera-style handouts, which I'm currently intending to package in a separate, slim A5 wallet that matches the Darkened Hill & Dale cover art so that it can all sit together neatly on a shelf. 

Speaking of cover art...

The fabulous Camilla Sicignano has already produced a stunning landscape for Darkened Hill & Dale's cover. Here you can see a draft of how it'll look if the cover were laid out flat. 

I like this artwork so much that I'm considering offering prints of it (without the text text and whatnot). If the prints were to be A4 or smaller, I may well be able to slip them in with the physical books when those are shipped out... I need some feedback on this idea, though! Whether or not you like the idea, I'd really appreciate it if you could blast through the four multiple-choice questions on my mini survey here

The wonderful Jazmin has also be busy with interior artwork, so keep an eye out for some of that in next month's update!

In other news, a couple of folks have expressed an interest in ordering second copies, so I'll be rolling out a web shop next month for that! If enough people are keen on picking up art prints I'll add those to the shop too. 

That's it for now! I'll be back at the end of the month with the next update. Until then, let me know if you have any comments or questions. 

 - Sarah 

Thank you!
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 08:31:14 AM

Hi Folks,

The campaign is over! A huge thank you every one of you for your support. I'm honestly blown away by all the enthusiasm for Darkened Hill & Dale. The campaign has reached 740% of its original goal, which is amazing and far beyond my expectations.

A painting depicting a village celebration. In the background are buildings and a church. We can see people dancing in the centre of the town and playing card games in the foreground.

The campaign may be over but the project certainly isn't! 

What to expect now:

  • Project Updates
    I'm not going to be bombarding you with updates because I think we all get enough emails already. My intention is to send out a general progress update about once a month, and special updates at key milestones (e.g. when the books go to the printers). If you have questions in the interim, just give me a shout on here or via social media!
    I've set up an Instagram account for my TTRPG work, and I'll be posting occasional photos of bits and pieces (e.g. inspirational books and haunted locales) there in between full updates. If that's of interest, you can follow PatchworkFezGames on Instagram here. I'll also be sharing similar snippets and broader personal nonsense on BlueSky.
  • Delivery
    As specified on the project page, my goal is to have every copy of Darkened Hill & Dale dispatched by the beginning of October. I'm hoping to get them out before then, but I'll keep you posted on progress. I'll send out a backer survey to get your shipping addresses nearer the time. 
  • Naming NPCs
    Those of you who've chosen the 'Name an NPC' add-on will receive a message from me in the next few weeks with a selection of perfectly normal individuals to choose names for, so keep an eye out for that!
     A coloured etching depicts strange creatures, fire, and scared people looking at an overlaid logo which reads 'TRICK OR RETREAT'.

Other Things:

While I'm writing this, here's a couple of other things you might like to know about:

  • Trick or Retreat
    I run an annual, not-for-profit event called Trick or Retreat, which is basically just a few unstructured days of hanging out with gamesy folks doing things like playing board games, going for little walks, doing crafts, and generally having a nice time. Last year folks brought an absolute mountain of boardgames—over 100!—so boardgames have become the main activity for the event, but folks sometimes run one-shot RPGs too.

    This year Trick or Retreat is running Wednesday 23rd October – Sunday 27th October 2024 in Moira, Derbyshire, UK.

    Tickets are already available because I like to plan in advance! Full tickets are £175 (which includes a bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day) and you can pay in instalments if that's helpful. Day tickets are also available.

    You can find loads of information and ticket-booking over at
  • Ludonarrative Dissidents Podcast: Season 3 
    My pals over at Ludonarrative Dissidents have just launched the Kickstarter for season 3 of their podcast. LND is a tabletop role-playing game review podcast wherein the hosts analyse systems, adventures, and supplements with in-depth critiques. I'm not involved with the podcast but I am a fan! They're already funded but if you fancy giving them a look you can find the campaign over here.

    A painting depicting a figure with long hair, their clothes dishevelled, smiling as they write by candlelight at table.

Well, that's it for now! I'm so looking forward to getting Darkened Hill & Dale into your hands, but for now I'm off to do some additional writing for the scenarios. 

- Sarah

Introducing an Artist + Handout Development
8 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 04:14:23 AM

Hi Folks,

There's only a few days left on this Kickstarter, which is very exciting!

As a heads up—I'm not utilising a pledge manager that'll let you change your rewards/add-ons later, so if you're thinking of upgrading from PDF-only to a physical copy, or adding some This Blighted Isle stickers, now's the time to do it!

Introducing: Jazmin

I'm delighted to introduce Jazmin, a fabulous artist and RPG fan who I'll be working with on this project. Jazmin will be creating some NPC portraits for Darkened Hill & Dale, and maybe some landscapes too! Her painterly style and use of light really caught my eye, and I think her work will be a great fit for the tone of the scenarios.

Three works by Jazmin. The first is Darkest Dungeon fanart depicting a monstrous face on a human form. The other two are atmospheric portraits.
Just three examples of Jazmin's wonderfully atmospheric portraits and character art.

Please do check out Jazmin's work over at and find her here on Instagram.

You've all helped to unlock a variety of additional artwork for Darkened Hill & Dale through stretch goals, and I can't wait to share some of that with you as production continues.

Handouts & Bonus Ephemera

Every backer tier that comes with a copy of Darkened Hill & Dale will include the ephemera-style handouts. 

For those of you who are expecting only a PDF, the documents will be provided in a digital format for you to print or use as you like. For those of you who are expecting a printed copy of Darkened Hill & Dale, you'll be getting a printed set of the documents too!

I'm a sucker for an interesting handout that supports the players' experience. For Darkened Hill & Dale I'm working on things players might uncover through in-game research, like printouts of news articles and 'photocopies' of old books. I'm also working on some 'vintage' documents; I may not be able to forge Medieval pages (yet) but I have made passable facsimiles of 1940s documents before and I'm planning to do some more of that here.

Three pictures of Shepherds. The all depict tables covered in books and stationery. The walls are totally covered in shelves holding hundreds of types of paper.
Some pictures from Shepherds. The walls are covered in hundreds of shelves, each one holding a different kind of paper. 

So, yesterday I dropped into Shepherds, which is a wonderful shop specialising in 'fine papers' and bookbinding materials. They helped me sift through some of their many options for older-style paper and I picked up some samples that I think will be perfect for what I have in mind. I'll be sure to share some photos of the handouts and the process of their creation in a few weeks!

- Sarah 

Mini Update: This Blighted Isle Stickers
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 10:27:11 AM

Hello Friends,

Only a little update for you this evening—I've just acquired the stickers that many of you have selected as an add-on and I thought you might like to see them! 

Two stickers on a black cloth background. The stickers depict a skull in a woodcut style and feature the text 'THIS BLIGHTED ISLE'. The motif is in black but the stickers are an iridescent silver which reflects the light in various colours.

They are a very iridescent silver, the design is nice and crisp, and each one measures approximately 7x5cm. Anyone who had selected the related add-on will receive two of these! 

If you've selected a physical copy of Darkened Hill & Dale as your reward but haven't chosen this add-on and now think you might like some shiny stickers after all, don't worry—there's still time to adjust your pledge. 

To give credit where it's due, the woodcut skull part of this motif reuses an artwork called Memento Mori by 19th century Dutch artist Julie de Graag, who is one of my favourite printmakers. This artwork, along with many others by many artists, has been digitised in high resolution and made freely available for use by the excellent Rijksmuseum in The Netherlands; you can find a whole collection of Julie de Gragg's work on their website.

I'm hoping to have an artwork update for you all by the end of this week, so keep an eye out for that!

– Sarah

The Scenario You Unlocked! Introducing: Fools' Fire
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 10:20:01 AM

Hello Friends,

Happy Friday! To celebrate reaching the end of the working week I thought I'd reveal the seventh and final scenario of Darkened Hill & Dale. This is the scenario that you've unlocked as part of the stretch goals! 

I asked what kind of horror you wanted to see in this scenario, and there was a loud cry of 'folk', so you'll be pleased to hear that this scenario contains references to a whole collection of actual spooky British folklore and history. You'll have to wait until you have your copy of Darkened Hill & Dale to discover the full story, of course, but here's a taste of what to expect...

A dark painting of wet marshland.

Fools' Fire

The village sank into the marsh years ago, but its church remains on the hill above. It opens its doors only once a year, for the fiery midsummer festival of St John’s Eve.

The coastline just down from old Dunwich is rife with folklore and mystery—woods known for their ghost lights, sea caves haunted by smugglers’ ghosts, cliffs famous for their wrecks, and an entire village sunken into the marshland. When the team behind a popular YouTube history channel decides to attend the lone annual service at old Bedmarsh church they stumble into the horrifying truth behind those local folktales.

A painting of a church tower rising out from behind woodland greenery.

I hadn't been entirely happy with this scenario until a couple of days ago, when I stumbled across an exciting new etymology that inspired a bit of an overhaul.

late Middle English: from bone + fire. The term originally denoted a large open-air fire on which bones were burnt (sometimes as part of a celebration)...

Where did folks get the bones for these fires from? Well, that's something to think about.

Until next time,
